Our Hotel has implemented a Sustainability policy aimed at complying with the Biosphere Hotel International Standard. This Standard was developed by the ONG Institute for Responsible Tourism, is recognized and accredited by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) and is implemented in destinations, companies and tourism industry facilities under the auspices of the OMT and in accordance with an agreement of understanding with UNESCO. The Biosphere Hotel Standard includes six basic requirements of a transversal nature, which, converging with each other, allow the organization to perform well in terms of sustainable tourism:
– Desempenho do Negócio; – Políticas de Turismo Sustentável; – Conservação e Melhoria do Património Natural e Cultural; – Desenvolvimento Económico e Social do Destino; – Conservação Ambiental; – Satisfação do cliente.
A boa aplicação dos requisitos da Norma Biosphere Hotel permite à nossa unidade uma afirmação dos seus valores de sustentabilidade e consequentemente diferenciar-se no mercado. Contamos com o seu empenho para no dia-a-dia dar vida à Norma Biosphere.
Sustainability Policy
To be a sustainable unit from an economic point of view, working on a constant improvement of the service provided to its customers, having as a basic principle, respect for its employees and for the entire social, cultural and environmental environment.
Daily commitment to continuous improvement, enabling our employees to comply with the basic principles, always seeking to increase our customers satisfaction regardless of the motivations that bring them to us.
O Diretor do Hotel Santa Clara Vidigueira e todo o seu staff informam todos os seus clientes que – As medidas de Prevenção e controlo de infeção COVID-19 , estão implementadas de forma responsável, para que os seus clientes se sintam higienicamente acomodados e tranquilos. Temos a certeza, que se respeitarmos as normas do SNS com responsabilidade, muito em breve, todos retomaremos a vida normal.